Sunday, October 7, 2012

Let the Blogging Begin

Hello all! So my husband and I (and our two pups) just recently moved into a house, which we are beyond thankful for. It was, however, quite a lot of work to transform it because it was stuck in the 60's. I decided to do this blog because we have done quite a lot of things to this house. That is saying something because decorating is not my strong suite and I had to do TONS of online research (and of course got help from my extremely creative family members :) )  I was beyond thankful for all of the blogs that I read that provided ways to do cheap DIY projects to take an old house and completely revamp it. 
My hope is that this blog will help even just one person who has been looking and looking for ideas of cheap ways to do this or fix that and maybe, just maybe, this will be the answer they are looking for. In the very near future, I will be putting up our "before" pics and gradually, all the "after" pictures. My husband and I are by no means interior designers or the "fixer-upper" type so please be encouraged because if I (we) can do it, then SO CAN YOU! 

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