Tuesday, October 9, 2012

This Old House

These two pictures above are the living room. 

These two pics are of the front family room.

 This is the guest bedroom.
The two pictures above are the guest bathroom and commode.

This is the master bedroom. 

 Here we have the lovely master bathroom. 

( I couldn't figure out how to put his at the top of the post so just pretend that it's above the pictures :)) As I mentioned in my last post, I'm going to upload pictures of the "before" pictures of our house. When my husband and I first walked through this house, all that was going through my head was "no way we're living here." I am definitely a visual person so once I visually imagined our stuff in all of those spaces in the house, I was able to see its potential the second time we walked through it. As you can see from these pictures, we certainly had our work cut out for us, but I must admit, most of the transformation was a fun process ("de-wallpapering" the many different rooms was definitely not the most fun thing we've ever done :)). Soon, I will post room by room the before and after pictures and let you know all the fun things we did to transform them :)

ps-If you're wondering, all of the clothing, furniture, and other items are all from the sweet elderly couple that lived there before we did. :)

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